While listening to an episode of Prairie Home Companion, I was shocked to learn that the Minnesota State Fair serves strange, unhealthy food. Of course, I had to have some. Along with Lingonberry ice cream and any kind of meat on a stick, you can purchase chocolate covered bacon. That's right. Bacon covered in chocolate. I consulted some reliable Minnesotans (is there any other kind?) and, yes, it is true. I think you know what happened next.

Some tricks that I learned.1) Russian beer, preferably Baltika, helps. Seven or higher is recommended.
2) Also recommended - learning how to pour a pitcher. (Geez, Regan, it's like you never went to college or something.)
3) Cook the bacon until crispy
4) It's actually a little difficult to get the chocolate onto the bacon without a vat of chocolate for a true "dip".
5) It's really not that bad.
If you would like some bacon related items, please go
For a little Southern flavor, we also fried some pickle slices. Dom made the batter with flour, a few eggs, too much red pepper, salt and Baltika 7.

Because of my taunts regarding his baking skills, Dom decided to shame me by making a Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. The recipe is a basic Betty Crocker creation. At first, it looks a little bit like Strawberry Celery Pie:

In the end, though, it came out very well. Good job, Dom!

Now I'm off to unclog my arteries.